Here's a great story from CyclingNews today: "BMC riders help Navigator soigneur apprehend thief"
The short of it is that a 250 pound man was harassing a Navigator's soigneur outside the teams' hotel, and BMC sprinter Dan Schmatz had no hesitation about physically intervening - and the rest of the team jumped in to help.
When I was a Boy Scout back in Junior High, I was a proud member of Troop 21 in West Chicago. Every year when all the regional troops came together for "Camp-o-rees" (or whatever they were called), our troop would win the competition for having the cleanest and most-up-to-Boy-Scout-code campsite. That was hysterical, because we were also the troop that would organize and instigate a midnight brawl with any and all comers from other troops - it was like Boy Scout Fight Club.
Which brings me back to Team BMC kicking some ass. For years I've been talking about a Cycling Team Fight Club - primarily because I think it would be absolutely hysterical. Have you ever seen a bike racer fight? Most of us have long since trained away any upper body strength and most likely couldn't even hurt each other. Actually, the pain riders inflict on each other at races like Stillwater, Tri-Peaks or the 78th day of Superweek is so much worse than a punch in the face. Maybe that's the truth behind my Team Fight Club joke: I'd prefer a nice, swift shot to the jaw over sucking wind for 10 laps while the Euro-jauggernaut strings it out at the Sheboygan stage of Superweek.
But if it ever did come to blows, there are definitely a few riders out there that could dominate a ring full of cyclists like an adult playing king of the hill with preschoolers. It's nice to read that Dan only uses his powers for good.
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