
A Zero Emission Day!

On Tuesday Rosa and I went the entire day without driving a car-- a tricky task in this town, (especially when Rosa can get an audition call from anywhere between San Diego and Santa Barbara at a moment's notice). Fortunately, I've found an easy route for riding into "the office", so I'll be able to tack on a few hours to my embarrassingly low weekly riding volume. And we're lucky enough to have the post office and local markets within a couple blocks of the apartment, and Rosa can ride into the Yoga studio. 

Hopefully we can get these Z.E.D.'s up to at least two a week, because we know that for Hunter & Aimee in Tucson and ST in Boise, Zero Emission Day's are the norm rather than the exception.


Robot said...

oh hey brother-
i am a zero emissions girl! well, except for every other week when i drive my kids to southeast, and today when i am borrowing a car to transport a keg, and about once a week when i ride the metro....does that count? haha

also, i am in class and clicked on the link for the studio, and the entire class was treated to cameron's voice. my prof looked at me and i slowly said, "uhhhh pop up?" whoops.

miss you! here's hoping sister doesn't kill me tonight.

Robot said...

check this out: jealous?
