
That familiar uncomfortableness

Yesterday I rode my bike for an hour, spandex and all-- but not until after spending 30 minutes mowing down the foliage that had spread over my legs.

We live in pretty tight quarters here on Stocker Street, so I automatically think of that famous leg-shaving scene from Breaking Away when I'm sitting in my kitchen with the clippers in hand and a leg propped up on the trash can... and my neighbors walk by. What do they think of Rosa and I? I disappear for months at a time, then upon my return, mow down my legs with hair clippers in preparation to leave the house everyday wearing an outfit tighter and stretchier than a superhero's?

More importantly than what the neighbors think, what do my muscles think after clipping in and turning the pedals for the first time since Downer's Grove? They seemed to remember the drill well enough, but my sit bones are wildly protesting the return to the bike. That's my own fault though, as back in August I'd put my comfy Serfas Furano saddle on another bike to test it out... and when I went for my ride yesterday I had just some standard OEM saddle on the bike- dumb.

And for anyone wondering about the SoCal fires, we're pretty lucky here in Glendale. It sounds like the folks in San Diego have it really tough, but they are finally getting to go home and return to school. Fortunately for us, none of the blazes are too close to us and the smoke isn't too bad in our immediate area. There are quite a few mountain rides that I'll be putting on hold though.

Last but certainly not least, huge props to Jim Nowak and the ABD crew for pulling off our first 'Cross race! Thanks to the over 170 riders that came out and ran around Sunrise Park for the day!


Anonymous said...

They're called Ischial Tuberosities my friend.

Ebert said...

well, whatever it is blows goats.

Anonymous said...

