
"The waiting is the hardest part"

- Tom Petty.

So I was planning on racing this weekend at the La Mirada Grand Prix, but it turns out my body isn't quite ready. I started getting the pain in my gut last Sunday after a really solid week of riding, but then it took almost four days of rest before I could get out and ride again. I would head out the door this week and within 15 minutes I'd feel a little twinge telling me to go home. Oh well.

Today I went out and did a little tempo and everything felt pretty good again. I'll just have to keep the really high torque efforts out for another couple days, but as long as I can still do the longer tempo days I'll be in good shape. It's just a matter of being able to do some all out efforts by Superweek in 7 days...

Since I started out the entry with a musical reference, I thought I'd make a few musical confessions since my only other tuneful Blog post was the pre-surgery "depressing" emo stuff. The last couple of weeks I've had some stellar workouts (best watts I've seen all year) to none other than AC/DC and "the Boss" (and specifically early Springsteen). The drums, guitar and vocals get you all pumped up and then the sax solo carries you home. And do I really need to say anything about AC/DC?

And don't worry, I only wear the headphones when riding the mostly deserted bike path (with no street crossings) along the loveliest stretch of the I-5 I know.

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